Voidknife Schematic Wallpaper

I needed new desktop wallpaper. This is a 3D rendering of Captain Shadow’s ship “Voidknife” as it has appeared in recent seasons of the video series. Of course, the show’s been on hold since Managlitch City and the planet Neimma became Clouded, but there’s always hope.

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Meet Vanessa!

We have software and are not afraid to use it! Thanks to VRoid Studio, MorphVox, and a backdrop from a previous project, we present this brand new clip. This is some test material for upcoming Managlitch releases, so stay tuned. We’ve been on hiatus for far too long.

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No Cause For Alarm

Consortium 499 has released a “best of” collection, including the composer’s ten favorite tracks from their 25 albums. Of course, we are fans of the Consortium’s work, since C499 composed the track we use for our theme music. You can download the album from Bandcamp here.

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New From Our Cohorts

New From Our Cohorts! Altrix Books liked Michael’s story pitch and honored him with a spot in “Unearthed”, an anthology of stories inspired by the massive stone sarcophagus recently found in Alexandria, Egypt. In that collection, you’ll find the short story “Disinfection Protocol”, written by Managlitch showrunner Michael O’Brien. Now,…

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Ep. 034a – CreedCast #3

Sandrel has been given the run of the Underground’s data system, since no one seems to be able to stop zir. Ze takes a look at the architecture of the Glitchbuster GO! game servers, the patterns of the Nibirite ley stones set up throughout the City, and the colossal structure…

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Our First Patrons

Welcome to the first of our cohorts to pledge to the Managlitch City Community Fund: we take special notice of City Councillors Raygan Earl, Mako Allen, Maya Kralovna, and Bert! Thank you all for helping us continue to make our amazing City the Wonder of the Forty-One Worlds!

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Infotower Video Update

All 20 full episodes and 1 bonus episode of our first season are up on YouTube now! Enjoy live episodes, demon hunting, Witchnight, and the Revision on your favorite streaming video device! Start with the video below for your full Season 1 experience…

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Managlitch City Community Fund

Are you enjoying the show? Would you like to help the staff produce more frequent releases? Then, join our many happy citizens and contribute to the Managlitch City Community Fund! Special benefits accrue to our sponsors, and it sure beats taxes; just click the button below… Become a Patron!

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Ep. 034 – Greymind

Glenn is out of Greyspace and back on the air, but he’s got lots and lots of bad news. He may not be doing the broadcast much longer, and the future of the Underground does not look good. Also, more from Sandrel Creed. Make them remember you! — Glenn SevenFiftyFive: Michael…

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Ep. 033a – CreedCast #2

The Underground’s feed is once again interrupted for the opinions and observations of Sandrel Creed – but ze is interrupted by yet another voice from zir own past. Also, “Bloodmoon Fury.” Please survive and flourish! •∂∆∑£ª¶¡ — Sandrel Creed: Zirself  — Grodan Rix: Itself  — Narrator: Maya Kralovna  — Episode Thirty-three-a,…

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Ep. 033 – Greyspace

Sandrel Creed’s information was correct, and the Underground has recovered some emergency “breadcrumb” data recorders from Glenn SevenFiftyFive. Doesn’t look like they will be much help finding him… Plus, Prime Cybercaster Surrus MacAllen is not a very nice man. Resist the invaders! Keep your story straight! — Glenn SevenFiftyFive: Michael O’Brien  —…

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Ep. 032a – CreedCast #1

The Managlitch City Underground has a guest on Zed-Frequency 23.08, whether they like it or not. Who is Sandrel Creed? •∂∆∑£ª¶¡ Resist the invaders! Keep your story straight! • Sandrel Creed: Zirself • Narrator: Michael O’Brien • Episode Thirty-two-a, “CreedCast #1”, was written by Michael O’Brien and script-edited by Maya Kralovna. Our…

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Real Life Glitches

… serious disruptions in the routine, at least. Since the last episode hit the site, our production team has helped staff a major Doctor Who convention, moved two apartments into a third, and handled a death in the family. But trust me, Glenn isn’t off the air for good! Scripts…

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Ep. 032 – Extended Range

The ether waves are crowded with news, rumor, and blatant falsehood about the future of Managlitch City, but Glenn SevenFiftyFive has an open period to tell you the very latest. The City may have allies it never expected, and ordinary citizens are taking up arms to join in. Plus, Avrela…

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Bloodmoon Fury

The crew here at the Underground is proud to present our first official filk song! Here is “Bloodmoon Fury” performed by Kara Dennison and written by Michael O’Brien. It’s set to the tune of “Moonlight Shadow” to which we claim absolutely no rights. Please check out Kara’s other videos on…

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Infotower Archive 008

Did you know we have a YouTube channel? We’re adding our old episodes there one at a time, so that people who enjoy their audio with a soothing video loop can experience the Underground that way! Our latest post is Episode 008: Transaction, in which the MGCU crew goes on a…

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State of the City

It’s a bit of a wreck. Not just in the podcast, but we didn’t achieve the 2017 episode output we’d planned. We missed both Witchnight and Sunbottom this year, which was a shame because we had ideas for both! (Fear not, you’ll still hear them soon enough.) 2017 was a…

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Ep. 030 – Banelight

Your patience has been rewarded, cohorts. After a delay with no open periods, Glenn SevenFiftyFive is back on the air. The war is not going well – though both sides are scoring odd victories. In addition, a new planet-wide glitch has changed the look of Managlitch City, and fighting violent…

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Ep. 029 – Fury From the Fog

The City is at war! The malevolent tentacled Chosen have invaded from an Indecision zone in south Managlitch, and the armed forces of the Ministry of Order can do no more at the moment than slow down this surprise attack. One of the mysterious Catfolk calls into the show with a…

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Ep. 028 – Shots Fired

The demonstrations in the streets of Managlitch turn ugly, and no one can quiet them. Terrorists strike at a proud new building in the heart of downtown, but do we truly know who’s to blame? On that note, Glenn SevenFiftyFive gets some startling news from an old acquaintance. Fight the monsters. Save…

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Ep. 027 – Shockwaves

Angry crowds demonstrating against Primus MacAllen. Rock formations moving in the South Continent Mangle. Chosen appearing in the streets of Managlitch. But Princess Swiftstorm is coming back soon, and we can all look forward to a peaceful resolution to all this unrest. … right? Right? Right. Stay strong, cohorts. • Glenn…

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Ep. 025 – Cat House

Glenn SevenFiftyFive is safe, and no one is more surprised than he. Now he knows exactly what’s been hiding inside the Indecision fogs spotting the City, and has a plan to get back home with help from unexpected friends. Also, the scoop on what’s sure to be Managlitch’s latest fashion craze!…

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Ep. 024 – Black Fog

Thanks to the Miracle of Technomagic, Glenn SevenFiftyFive is able to send us some messages from the first glitchers’ expedition into the foggy darkness of Indecision. The natives may not be friendly! Luckily, the expedition is assisted by a surprising ally – if that’s the right word. Keep your scryPhones and…

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Ep. 023 – Unexpected Choices

—– Recorded Live at Intervention 7  —– Glenn SevenFiftyFive is AWOL. But the Underground has unearthed a totally-not-bootleg recording of one of the Lost Episodes of space opera “Captain Shadow”, and presents the episode to their listeners for the first time in decades! And, uh… let us know if you hear from Glenn, okay? •…

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Ep. 022 – Glitchlings

Managlitch is haunted by its barely-remembered missing citizens. Plus: at least one of the City’s wonders has also gone missing, Primus MacAllen has some new construction plans, and a popular mobile game is working again – when it shouldn’t be. Time for more praxinoterasol. • Glenn SevenFiftyFive: Michael O’Brien • Narrator: Maya Kralovna • Episode Twenty-Two,…

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Return to Intervention

We had such a good time at Intervention last year, we’ve decided to do it again! Join us there September 16-18, where we will record a newly unearthed episode of Managlitch’s favorite space opera, “Captain Shadow”. Just like last year, we will have audience participation and special guest voices! Glenn…

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Ep. 021 – Revision

Season Two begins! The incredible techno-magical spell cast by MacAllen has changed Managlitch drastically. Up to four million glitchers have disappeared, and not everyone who remains realizes they are gone. There’s barely controlled chaos across the City, impenetrable zones of darkness, and Glenn’s invited to a conspiracy. • Glenn SevenFiftyFive: Michael O’Brien…

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Surrus MacAllen 2016!

While we take a month or two off to work on Season Two and other potential Managlitch projects, Cybercasters for Change have asked us to let everyone know that the official Surrus MacAllen 2016 t-shirts are up for sale at the Managlitch Welcome Center. Shirts are available in men’s and…

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Ep. 020 – Operation Overwriter

Season Finale! The Royal Family is missing after a demonic attack on the Palace, and Prime Cybercaster MacAllen calls a press conference to answer some questions Glenn SevenFiftyFive never expected to ask. Guest starring Mako Allen as MacAllen, Kara Dennison as Artema Sable, and Lisa Thivierge as Mistress Messiér. • Glenn…

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Interviewed by Dark Cloud Blogs

Michael had a great time being interviewed by Templeton of Dark Cloud Blogs for his blog channel. Click through to the blog post, and you can see the interview via this YouTube link! They talked about the setting, influences, and philosophy behind Managlitch City Underground. A potential spoiler or two may have slipped…

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Ep. 019a – Interference Pattern

The ether around Managlitch City is saturated with distortion and chaotic auras, making broadcasting from the Underground impossible at worst and very weird at best. Or perhaps we have that backwards… puzzles abound. • Glenn SevenFiftyFive: Michael O’Brien • Narrator: Maya Kralovna • Episode Nineteen-A, “Interference Pattern”, was written by Michael O’Brien and…

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Ep. 019 – Existence Failure

Glenn and friends do some science by shooting things with lasers! Just like the Glitchbusters, except without the merchandise endorsements. Carefully controlled mayhem ensues. and a theory becomes terrifyingly real. Meow, meow-meow, prrrrt hhff. Guest starring April Walters as Avrela Singer, and Lisa Thivierge as Mistress Messiér. • Glenn SevenFiftyFive: Michael O’Brien • Narrator:…

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Rating Our Podcast from iOS

Every episode, we ask you to rate our podcast on iTunes, if you are willing. But that’s not especially easy from your iOS device. Luckily, the good folks at imore.com have provided a step-by-step tutorial on the process, complete with pictures: Launch Apple’s Podcast app. Tap the Search tab. Enter the name of the…

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Ep. 018 – Sunbottom

Year 715 in the Forty-One Worlds is coming to an end; and all over Managlitch, people are looking forward to the solstice’s Sunbottom’s Eve parties. Kick back with a bottle of Major T’s Best and a plate of broiled corduroy tuna, and watch mysterious fireworks light up the night. • Glenn SevenFiftyFive:…

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Glitched Typography in Motion

Imagine our surprise to find this gem of a video produced by an attendee at our live Intervention show. It’s animated and set to our 45-second commercial clip: We love it! We think it’s fair to call this “fan art”, right? Check out more of Eric Thomas‘ work on his…

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Ep. 017 – Recovery

Glenn is back in the studio, slightly the worse for wear from the events of Witchnight; Managlitch City is much the same. MacAllen’s a hero, Artema’s missing, the Catfolk are overstaying, and the Ministry is having to crack down on heavy unrest. Also, pyramid power. • Glenn SevenFiftyFive: Michael O’Brien • Narrator:…

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Ep. 016 – Witchnight

Witchnight has arrived in Managlitch City, but it’s not the only new arrival. This time, Glenn SevenFiftyFive is right in the thick of things. Will he greet the morning with his body and mind intact? • Glenn SevenFiftyFive: Michael O’Brien • Narrator: Maya Kralovna • First Responder: Raygan Earl • Episode Sixteen, “Witchnight”, was…

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Ep. 015 – Cryptorunners

Witchnight approaches with the promise of extra-bent reality! (And people are already starting their Sunbottom’s Eve shopping.) The MGCU has some tips for making it safely through the spooky night, plus info on a new business venue downtown – which is interrupted by an urgent call from fugitive scientists. • Glenn SevenFiftyFive:…

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A Brief Word From… Us

A friend of the podcast suggested we put together a brief ad that other podcasters or audio producers could place in their show. We thought this was a brilliant idea, so we put some skull sweat into it, and this is the result! If you would like to use our…

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Ep. 014 – Shadow People

The social chaos in Managlitch City caused by the assassination is dying down… or is it? Plus it’s the 77th season premiere of a popular video show, the Catfolk are becoming more common in the City, and a listener wants to know why Managlitch doesn’t have a Queen? And more…

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Ep. 013 – Fallout

Managlitch City reacts to the assassination of one of its most prominent citizens, and Glenn SevenFiftyFive isn’t pleased with the reaction. Also, no-one’s heard from the Glitchbusters; and birds are using the subway? Guest starring Mako Allen as Surrus MacAllen. • Glenn SevenFiftyFive: Michael O’Brien • Narrator, and Princess Swiftstorm: Maya Kralovna • Prime…

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Ep. 012 – Intervention

—– Recorded Live at Intervention 6, with special guest star Terry “Davros” Molloy of “Doctor Who” and “The Archers”! —– Glenn SevenFiftyFive finally visits Terra-Epsilon for the first Joined Worlds Summit, and pokes his microphone into the doings of Managlitch’s high-and-mighty; but not everyone plans for the event to have a happy ending. • Glenn SevenFiftyFive: Michael O’Brien…

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Ep. 011 – Travel Plans

The trip to Terra-Epsilon dominates Glenn SevenFiftyFive’s thoughts this week, as he tries to pack while explaining the politics of the City to a curious listener. Plus a report on “Free the Tentacles”; equestrian hotel decorations; and gems on a mission. • Glenn SevenFiftyFive: Michael O’Brien • Narrator (Princess Swiftstorm): Maya Kralovna • Episode Eleven, “Travel…

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Ep. 010 – Rumors of Malice

No one’s happy or comfortable in Managlitch this week. The Ministry’s trumping-up charges, folks rioted outside a tea importer, and a friend shows up with a mysterious clue relating to crasher demons and a possible plot against the City itself. Guest starring Lisa Thivierge as Mistress Messiér, and Chris Griffith as show producer Slippery Adam.…

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Live at Intervention

Ever wondered what it’s like to record our podcast? Join Glitch City Media at Intervention in Washington D.C. August 14-16, where we will be recording a special episode with audience participation and special guest voices! Glenn SevenFiftyFive and Princess Swiftstorm will be there of course, plus some old and new…

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Ep. 009 – Reappearance

The month of Clearlight is ending in rain, cryptic messages, and a strange visitor from another planet. This one can’t fly or bend steel bars, though… we think. Also: remember kids, it’s fun to be a Royal! And those were some pretty darn good cupcakes. • Glenn SevenFiftyFive: Michael O’Brien • Narrator…

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Ep. 008 – Transaction

It’s time for MCU’s Crasher Hunt! Will our broadcasters find the trouble they’re looking for, or some other kind? In other news, someone’s in the market for a possibly extra-dimensional stone pyramid. And check out the Princess’ revised opening speech! • Glenn SevenFiftyFive: Michael O’Brien • Narrator (Princess Swiftstorm): Maya Kralovna • Episode Eight, “Transaction”, was written by Michael…

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Underground Store

The one and only Managlitch City Underground t-shirt went to Awesome Con in Washington D.C. this weekend; by popular demand, we’re making the design available to the public! Click the MCU Store link to order your very own, and show that you’ve been to the best vacation destination in the Forty-One…

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Ep. 007 – Gate Crashers

When it comes to political parties, there’s a lady in Managlitch that throws the best bashes in the Forty-One Worlds; and this time, Glenn SevenFiftyFive’s invited! Also, a new report has arrived from the surface of Nibiron: creamsicles? Hope you want sprinkles with that. • Glenn SevenFiftyFive: Michael O’Brien • Narrator (Princess…

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Ep. 006 – Unchanged Remedy

The City relaxes a bit as spring comes to Managlitch, the Princess comes out of seclusion, and the terrifying giant red moon just sits there. Still, is everything really as settled as it seems, with demon citizens and cryptic power games still lurking in the shadows? And what’s with the…

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Broadcast Delay

You haven’t heard from us in a while, and we apologize! Glitch City Media just changed daytime employment and city (and state!) of residence, and we’re still waiting to take possession of our new living space. So absolutely everything has been disrupted. Luckily, we had a backup plan to make…

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Ep. 005 – Dark Red Intentions

A terrifying new lunar satellite looms silently over Managlitch City as Glenn SevenFiftyFive and his friends plan their own personal crasher hunt. However, not everyone listening to the show thinks looking for trouble is the best of ideas. Also, voice menus. Guest starring Kara Dennison as Artema Sable. • Glenn SevenFiftyFive: Michael O’Brien • Narrator (Princess…

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Voice Acting with Davros

Four performers with the Underground got to attend a Voice Acting workshop hosted by Terry Molloy this weekend! Molloy is known for his performances on Doctor Who as “Davros”: on screen against the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Doctors, and in several of the Big Finish audio dramas. Thank you Mr.…

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Managlitch on Facebook

We just set up our official Facebook page! If you’ve enjoyed the show so far, please consider swinging over there and “Liking” the page. And while you’re at it: if you have a chance, please consider giving our podcast a rating and a review on the Managlitch City Underground iTunes page…

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Ep. 004 – Demon Hunters

Back from his rescue mission, Glenn SevenFiftyFive learns that things have gotten rough in Managlitch City while he was gone: terrible glitches have produced legendary demonic “crashers” to roam the streets. Guest starring Kara Dennison as the woman in the purple jacket. • Glenn SevenFiftyFive: Michael O’Brien • Narrator (Princess Swiftstorm): Maya Kralovna •…

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The (Un)Official Managlitch Mix

Our writing is almost always aided and improved by good music. Heck, it’s often assisted by not-so-good music as well! We present a glitcher’s playlist of tunes that help fuel the creation of MCU episodes, set up on YouTube for your convenience! Obviously, this implies no endorsement by any of the creators involved (except…

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Ep. 003 – The Search for “Starhunter Seven”

The crew from Managlitch City Underground stow away aboard a rescue mission sent to save a wrecked ethership. “Starhunter Seven” carries 500 people – including the Royal Chirurgeon who’s vital to the well-being of Princess Swiftstorm. Guest starring Jerry Conner as Captain Cooper. • Glenn SevenFiftyFive: Michael O’Brien • Narrator (Princess Swiftstorm): Maya…

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Managlitch on Windows Phone

The world premiere of Managlitch City Underground at MystiCon was a wonderful success! Thank you to the lovely audience who lent us their attention and laughed in the right places; and thanks to Thomas Monaghan for adding me to the “Alice In Wonderland” Consortium 499 show. But as we work…

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Ep. 002 – The Rune Portals Open

For the first time since the Portalblast disaster 14 years ago, the powers that be in Managlitch City are re-opening those techno-magical gateways to other worlds. Glenn SevenFiftyFive reports on this momentous occasion where not everything may go exactly to plan. • Glenn SevenFiftyFive: Michael O’Brien • Narrator (Princess Swiftstorm): Maya Kralovna • Our theme music is…

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Ep. 001 – Underground Again

After some difficulty with the authorities, Managlitch City Underground is back on the air, just in time to tell you about an event that may shake the foundations of the City. Glenn SevenFiftyFive is your host, with the news, job info, aura weather, and reality glitches you should know about. • Glenn…

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