Voidknife Schematic Wallpaper

I needed new desktop wallpaper. This is a 3D rendering of Captain Shadow’s ship “Voidknife” as it has appeared in recent seasons of the video series. Of course, the show’s been on hold since Managlitch City and the planet Neimma became Clouded, but there’s always hope.

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Meet Vanessa!

We have software and are not afraid to use it! Thanks to VRoid Studio, MorphVox, and a backdrop from a previous project, we present this brand new clip. This is some test material for upcoming Managlitch releases, so stay tuned. We’ve been on hiatus for far too long.

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No Cause For Alarm

Consortium 499 has released a “best of” collection, including the composer’s ten favorite tracks from their 25 albums. Of course, we are fans of the Consortium’s work, since C499 composed the track we use for our theme music. You can download the album from Bandcamp here.

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New From Our Cohorts

New From Our Cohorts! Altrix Books liked Michael’s story pitch and honored him with a spot in “Unearthed”, an anthology of stories inspired by the massive stone sarcophagus recently found in Alexandria, Egypt. In that collection, you’ll find the short story “Disinfection Protocol”, written by Managlitch showrunner Michael O’Brien. Now,…

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Our First Patrons

Welcome to the first of our cohorts to pledge to the Managlitch City Community Fund: we take special notice of City Councillors Raygan Earl, Mako Allen, Maya Kralovna, and Bert! Thank you all for helping us continue to make our amazing City the Wonder of the Forty-One Worlds!

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Infotower Video Update

All 20 full episodes and 1 bonus episode of our first season are up on YouTube now! Enjoy live episodes, demon hunting, Witchnight, and the Revision on your favorite streaming video device! Start with the video below for your full Season 1 experience…

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Managlitch City Community Fund

Are you enjoying the show? Would you like to help the staff produce more frequent releases? Then, join our many happy citizens and contribute to the Managlitch City Community Fund! Special benefits accrue to our sponsors, and it sure beats taxes; just click the button below… Become a Patron!

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Real Life Glitches

… serious disruptions in the routine, at least. Since the last episode hit the site, our production team has helped staff a major Doctor Who convention, moved two apartments into a third, and handled a death in the family. But trust me, Glenn isn’t off the air for good! Scripts…

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Bloodmoon Fury

The crew here at the Underground is proud to present our first official filk song! Here is “Bloodmoon Fury” performed by Kara Dennison and written by Michael O’Brien. It’s set to the tune of “Moonlight Shadow” to which we claim absolutely no rights. Please check out Kara’s other videos on…

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Infotower Archive 008

Did you know we have a YouTube channel? We’re adding our old episodes there one at a time, so that people who enjoy their audio with a soothing video loop can experience the Underground that way! Our latest post is Episode 008: Transaction, in which the MGCU crew goes on a…

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