Ep. 033a – CreedCast #2

The Underground’s feed is once again interrupted for the opinions and observations of Sandrel Creed – but ze is interrupted by yet another voice from zir own past. Also, “Bloodmoon Fury.” Please survive and flourish! •∂∆∑£ª¶¡ — Sandrel Creed: Zirself  — Grodan Rix: Itself  — Narrator: Maya Kralovna  — Episode Thirty-three-a,…

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Ep. 033 – Greyspace

Sandrel Creed’s information was correct, and the Underground has recovered some emergency “breadcrumb” data recorders from Glenn SevenFiftyFive. Doesn’t look like they will be much help finding him… Plus, Prime Cybercaster Surrus MacAllen is not a very nice man. Resist the invaders! Keep your story straight! — Glenn SevenFiftyFive: Michael O’Brien  —…

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Ep. 032a – CreedCast #1

The Managlitch City Underground has a guest on Zed-Frequency 23.08, whether they like it or not. Who is Sandrel Creed? •∂∆∑£ª¶¡ Resist the invaders! Keep your story straight! • Sandrel Creed: Zirself • Narrator: Michael O’Brien • Episode Thirty-two-a, “CreedCast #1”, was written by Michael O’Brien and script-edited by Maya Kralovna. Our…

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Real Life Glitches

… serious disruptions in the routine, at least. Since the last episode hit the site, our production team has helped staff a major Doctor Who convention, moved two apartments into a third, and handled a death in the family. But trust me, Glenn isn’t off the air for good! Scripts…

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Ep. 032 – Extended Range

The ether waves are crowded with news, rumor, and blatant falsehood about the future of Managlitch City, but Glenn SevenFiftyFive has an open period to tell you the very latest. The City may have allies it never expected, and ordinary citizens are taking up arms to join in. Plus, Avrela…

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Bloodmoon Fury

The crew here at the Underground is proud to present our first official filk song! Here is “Bloodmoon Fury” performed by Kara Dennison and written by Michael O’Brien. It’s set to the tune of “Moonlight Shadow” to which we claim absolutely no rights. Please check out Kara’s other videos on…

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Infotower Archive 008

Did you know we have a YouTube channel? We’re adding our old episodes there one at a time, so that people who enjoy their audio with a soothing video loop can experience the Underground that way! Our latest post is Episode 008: Transaction, in which the MGCU crew goes on a…

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State of the City

It’s a bit of a wreck. Not just in the podcast, but we didn’t achieve the 2017 episode output we’d planned. We missed both Witchnight and Sunbottom this year, which was a shame because we had ideas for both! (Fear not, you’ll still hear them soon enough.) 2017 was a…

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Ep. 030 – Banelight

Your patience has been rewarded, cohorts. After a delay with no open periods, Glenn SevenFiftyFive is back on the air. The war is not going well – though both sides are scoring odd victories. In addition, a new planet-wide glitch has changed the look of Managlitch City, and fighting violent…

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