Ep. 029 – Fury From the Fog

The City is at war! The malevolent tentacled Chosen have invaded from an Indecision zone in south Managlitch, and the armed forces of the Ministry of Order can do no more at the moment than slow down this surprise attack. One of the mysterious Catfolk calls into the show with a…

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Ep. 028 – Shots Fired

The demonstrations in the streets of Managlitch turn ugly, and no one can quiet them. Terrorists strike at a proud new building in the heart of downtown, but do we truly know who’s to blame? On that note, Glenn SevenFiftyFive gets some startling news from an old acquaintance. Fight the monsters. Save…

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Ep. 027 – Shockwaves

Angry crowds demonstrating against Primus MacAllen. Rock formations moving in the South Continent Mangle. Chosen appearing in the streets of Managlitch. But Princess Swiftstorm is coming back soon, and we can all look forward to a peaceful resolution to all this unrest. … right? Right? Right. Stay strong, cohorts. • Glenn…

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Ep. 025 – Cat House

Glenn SevenFiftyFive is safe, and no one is more surprised than he. Now he knows exactly what’s been hiding inside the Indecision fogs spotting the City, and has a plan to get back home with help from unexpected friends. Also, the scoop on what’s sure to be Managlitch’s latest fashion craze!…

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Ep. 024 – Black Fog

Thanks to the Miracle of Technomagic, Glenn SevenFiftyFive is able to send us some messages from the first glitchers’ expedition into the foggy darkness of Indecision. The natives may not be friendly! Luckily, the expedition is assisted by a surprising ally – if that’s the right word. Keep your scryPhones and…

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Ep. 023 – Unexpected Choices

—– Recorded Live at Intervention 7  —– Glenn SevenFiftyFive is AWOL. But the Underground has unearthed a totally-not-bootleg recording of one of the Lost Episodes of space opera “Captain Shadow”, and presents the episode to their listeners for the first time in decades! And, uh… let us know if you hear from Glenn, okay? •…

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Ep. 022 – Glitchlings

Managlitch is haunted by its barely-remembered missing citizens. Plus: at least one of the City’s wonders has also gone missing, Primus MacAllen has some new construction plans, and a popular mobile game is working again – when it shouldn’t be. Time for more praxinoterasol. • Glenn SevenFiftyFive: Michael O’Brien • Narrator: Maya Kralovna • Episode Twenty-Two,…

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Return to Intervention

We had such a good time at Intervention last year, we’ve decided to do it again! Join us there September 16-18, where we will record a newly unearthed episode of Managlitch’s favorite space opera, “Captain Shadow”. Just like last year, we will have audience participation and special guest voices! Glenn…

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Ep. 021 – Revision

Season Two begins! The incredible techno-magical spell cast by MacAllen has changed Managlitch drastically. Up to four million glitchers have disappeared, and not everyone who remains realizes they are gone. There’s barely controlled chaos across the City, impenetrable zones of darkness, and Glenn’s invited to a conspiracy. • Glenn SevenFiftyFive: Michael O’Brien…

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