Ep. 011 – Travel Plans

The trip to Terra-Epsilon dominates Glenn SevenFiftyFive’s thoughts this week, as he tries to pack while explaining the politics of the City to a curious listener. Plus a report on “Free the Tentacles”; equestrian hotel decorations; and gems on a mission.

• Glenn SevenFiftyFive: Michael O’Brien
• Narrator (Princess Swiftstorm): Maya Kralovna

• Episode Eleven, “Travel Plans”, was written by Michael O’Brien. Our theme music is “Crime of the Century” by Consortium 499. All other content is ©2015, Glitch City Media. Visit our website at managlitch.com for more information about the City and links to our podcast archives. If you have questions about the world of Managlitch City, email them to glenn755@managlitch.com, or leave them as comments on our website, and we may use them in a future episode.


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